Your business’s finances are essential to its success. Keeping track of your finances is vital as it allows you to make informed decisions, plan for…
Staffing shortages in health care have been a persistent challenge for many years, and the COVID-19 pandemic only exacerbated this issue. Increasing productivity isn’t just…
Running a behavioral healthcare organization requires more than just specialized treatment. You’re under immense scrutiny at every step of the process to try and ensure…
Keeping your books in top shape is crucial to the success of your business. It allows you to monitor and analyze your company’s financial health,…
Keeping track of finances is key to running a successful business of any kind. Behavioral health care brings additional financial challenges, as providers must not…
The rapid evolution of technology has influenced every part of society, including health care. One particular area that has seen significant advancement is addiction rehab.…
Behavioral health treatment centers are designed to provide comprehensive care and support to patients struggling with mental health and substance abuse issues. However, just providing…
In the digital age, staying connected with customers is more important than ever before. This is particularly true in the behavioral healthcare sector, where strong…
An estimated 109,680 individuals in the United States died from a drug overdose in 2022, according to the CDC. Additionally, in recent years, drug overdose…
The behavioral health industry is facing a significant challenge in retaining employees. High levels of stress, burnout, and lack of support are just some of…