Evidence-Based Tools for Addiction Screening

Evidence-Based Tools for Addiction Screening

a doctor comforts a patient during an addiction screening for rehab admission

Today, evidence-based tools for addiction screening help people across the country get the treatment they need. These tools also help providers understand patients’ needs, keep more accurate records, and provide necessary referrals. Managing addiction screening tools is more efficient with behavioral health EMR software tools.

If your business is in need of behavioral health EMR software tools to improve patient retention and streamline your evidence-based tools for addiction screening, Sunwave Health can help. Learn more about our behavioral health software tools by calling us at 561.576.6037 to see how our software can help your behavioral health business and patients thrive.

Evidence-Based Tools for Addiction Screening

Evidence-based tools for addiction screening are standardized assessment instruments that have been demonstrated to be effective in identifying individuals who are at risk for substance use disorders or who may be experiencing problems with substance use. These tools are designed to be used as part of a comprehensive assessment process and can help providers identify individuals who may benefit from further evaluation and treatment.

Unfortunately, keeping up with changes in screening tools, databases, and software integration can slow down admissions staff, keep patients from the treatment they need, or send patients to other providers. That’s why it’s important to use evidence-based addiction screening that integrates with your EMR software to reduce user error and get patients the help they need as quickly as possible.

Most Popular Evidence-Based Addiction Screening

There are currently several evidence-based addiction screen tools that work across the behavioral health sector, including clinicians, social workers, and psychologists. It’s important to find the right screening tools for your business needs. Today, the most common evidence-based screening tools include:

  • The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT): This is a 10-item questionnaire that assesses an individual’s alcohol use and related problems.
  • The Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST): This is a 28-item questionnaire that assesses an individual’s drug use and related problems.
  • The Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI): This is a 78-item questionnaire that assesses an individual’s risk for substance use disorders and their likelihood of responding to treatment.
  • The Opioid Risk Tool (ORT): This is a 5-item questionnaire that assesses an individual’s risk for opioid abuse or dependence.
  • The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST): This is a 25-item questionnaire that assesses an individual’s alcohol use and related problems.

While each assessment tool has its own benefits, they can all provide a quick snapshot of a patient’s treatment needs. When used early, these behavioral health tools can help patients avoid addiction through behavioral health treatment.

Integrate Your Evidence-Based Addiction Screening to Streamline Your Business

At Sunwave Health, we make addiction screening a seamless integration with our CMR software. Cut down on clinician screen time and referral time and integrate patients’ records quickly with Sunwave Health. Our management software provides integrated tools focused on value-based care that follows a patient’s entire journey, including addiction screening. Our CRM software helps providers across the behavioral health field:

  • Manage customer relations, including referrals, booking, assessment, and billing
  • Keep and manage secure electronic records that meet HIPPA guidelines
  • Manage revenue cycles and assess ROI
  • Manage alumni and re-entry to focus on a patient’s entire treatment cycle

At Sunwave Health, we know addiction and behavioral health treatment aren’t linear. That’s why our easy-to-use interface provides patients and providers with responsive software they can trust to map a patient’s entire journey. Reduce time spent on records and increase face-to-face time with patients with our CMR software today.

Learn More About Sunwave Health’s Behavioral Health EMR Software Tools Today

If you’re looking to focus on the patient experience, streamline your office, and increase referrals, Sunwave Health can help. Call us now at 561.576.6037 or fill out our online contact form to learn how our software can transform your behavioral health business.