Keeping Patients Involved in Telehealth

Keeping Patients Involved in Telehealth

a behavioral health clinician keeps her patient involved motivated and participating in telehealth treatment

Today, telehealth is increasingly common across behavioral healthcare. While telehealth can make care more accessible for patients, it can also be difficult for patients to stay engaged and complete programs reliant on virtual care. Learning new ways to engage patients can help retention rates and help patients complete programs from the comfort of home.

Are you struggling with telehealth? If you’re ready to learn more about behavioral health telehealth tools to keep patients involved in virtual care, the team at Sunwave Health can help. Learn more about our software tools by calling us at 561.576.6037 to improve your telehealth care.

Problems Patients Face in Telehealth Engagement

While telehealth increases access for patients, it’s difficult to stay engaged in treatment programs from home. Problems with technology, difficult interfaces, and internet access can all prevent a patient from sticking with their telehealth program. Inconsistent reminders, trouble booking appointments, and complicated billing software can also make it difficult for a patient to engage. While many patients now prefer booking telehealth appointments, there are still many patients who like the added care of face-to-face contact, especially for booking and billing.

For patients with extensive treatment programs like telehealth PHP and IOPs, it’s hard to stay accountable and engaged with therapies without leaving home. The rise in telehealth options over the past several years has also led to an increase in disengaged participation in virtual appointments and events. Patients are often more interested in turning to the internet for answers and quick fixes for behavioral health than engaging in a treatment program, unless the program provides a genuine one-on-one connection that makes a patient feel seen, heard, and cared for.

Trouble Keeping Patients Involved in Virtual Care

With the rise in virtual care across medical fields, many patients are more accustomed to booking virtual appointments. However, this doesn’t mean a patient is likely to stick with a virtual behavioral health program that lasts weeks or even months. Patients often struggle with software and technology and are quick to blame these barriers for not booking appointments or completing a behavioral health program.

Streamlining software and improving technology are two of the best ways a company can help increase patient experience and telehealth engagement. By moving to a more accessible software that integrates all aspects of your behavioral healthcare business, clinicians and patients can spend more time focused on treatment and one-on-one connection. Easing workflow and creating more time can help retain clinicians and allow them to focus on patient retention through empathetic, active listening and quality care. When patients feel seen, even in telehealth settings, they are more likely to return for follow-up care.

By freeing up pre and post-appointment time for both patients and clinicians with streamlined software, consistent reminders, and virtual events, patients feel more empowered and are more likely to return to appointments with clinicians who have the time and energy to give to each patient.

Keep Patients Involved With Behavioral Health Telehealth Tools

While telehealth is making huge strides in healthcare accessibility, patients can be left feeling alone, disconnected, and overwhelmed by technology. Clinicians can be left with more paperwork and online tools to use before and after appointments. Behavioral health telehealth tools matter now more than ever.

At Sunwave Health, we understand every aspect of behavioral health and substance abuse treatment. Our software tools focus on value-based care and software integration for a patient’s entire journey. We deliver:

  • Customer relationship management
  • Electronic medical records
  • Revenue cycle management
  • Alumni management

With infrastructure patients and providers can trust, we’re here to drive healthy results and increase telehealth engagement. If you’re looking to streamline software, focus on patient experience, and support clinicians, we can help.

Learn More About Improving Your Telehealth Engagement With Sunwave Today

Whether you’re looking to improve telehealth PHP and IOP care or improve your ROI, Sunwave Health can help. Call us now at 561.576.6037 or fill out our online contact form to learn more about our software.