Patient privacy is an essential component of legal and safe behavioral health practices. The importance of protecting patient privacy goes beyond the legal guidelines outlined by HIPAA. It’s also critical in building trust with patients. Finding the right electronic medical records (EMR) platform can make record keeping safer and easier, keeping both patients and providers feeling safe.
Sunwave Health’s platform seamlessly integrates a secure EMR application with customer relationship management (CRM) and revenue cycle management (RCM) systems for seamless operations at your behavioral health center. Authorized access ensures that only pertinent information is displayed depending on the user’s role, preventing unauthorized access and protecting patient privacy. Schedule a demo today by calling 561.576.6037.
The Importance of Protecting Patient Privacy in Behavioral Health
Patients seeking healthcare services are protected under HIPAA, which helps safeguard their personal information. But protecting your patients’ privacy also helps build trust between them and your operation.
Legal Protection
HIPAA guidelines and substance use-specific data privacy acts work to serve and protect patients and providers. Protected health information (PHI) includes any demographic information that can be used to identify a patient, such as name, address, social security number, or health information. HIPAA ensures that this sensitive data is safeguarded and only accessible to authorized personnel for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations purposes.
Building Trust
Patient privacy is essential to building trust with a patient, especially in behavioral and mental healthcare. Stigmas can make it difficult for patients to seek treatment and establish trust with providers. Patients who trust clinicians and behavioral health providers are more likely to stick with a treatment plan and program. For those booking online, communicating with providers through online messaging systems, and seeing clinicians in telehealth visits, internet privacy is a top concern.
Security is a big deal when it comes to electronic medical records. Health care is a major target for cybercriminals, and mental health records may be at a higher risk as they have more information that could be used against patients if breached.
How to Protect Patient Privacy
While HIPPA compliance is a critical component in the behavioral healthcare field, helping patients understand their privacy rights, how to access records, and who can view their records is also important. Patients often overlook HIPPA forms as they sign them. Jargon, long disclosures, and short appointments can gloss over important privacy rights. Fears about digital records and digital healthcare platforms can also make patients uneasy.
Upgrading and streamlining software is one of the best ways for providers to support patient privacy. Secure, reliable, and fully responsive software can increase privacy and prevent data leaks. A secure online system can be more valuable than traditional record keeping. It can help patients re-enroll, integrate with other healthcare professionals, and help patients get the care they need more quickly. It can also free up time for clinicians and staff. Improved, integrated software can also help with medication management and patient safety.
When patients encounter an easy-to-use system, less medical jargon, and straightforward discussions about their privacy rights, they are more likely to feel at ease in treatment. This gives clinicians and patients more time to focus on treatment.
Behavioral Health Electronic Records Management for Your Patients’ Privacy
In the digital age, privacy is a top concern for most patients. Whether or not they understand their privacy rights, it’s important to build trust with secure electronic records management. By switching to streamlined records software, clinicians save time and can increase ROI while increasing patient retention and satisfaction. With the right behavioral health electronic records management software, everyone wins.
At Sunwave Health, we pair patient privacy with the provider’s needs. Our EMR software provides integrated tools focused on outcomes across the patient’s entire journey. Our software helps providers:
- Manage customer relations
- Keep and manage secure electronic records
- Manage revenue cycles and assess ROI
- Manage alumni and re-entry to focus on a patient’s entire treatment cycle
With data and security patients and providers can trust delivered through a responsive software platform, we’re here to drive healthy results and increase patient trust throughout their treatment. If you’re looking to focus on patient experience and increase privacy protection, Sunwave Health can help.
Schedule a Sunwave Health Demo Now
You can protect your patients’ privacy without disrupting your operations. Sunwave Health’s patient privacy-focused EMR software seamlessly integrates with other systems to make record keeping safer and easier. Schedule a demo online today or by calling 561.576.6037.