What Is Patient-Centric Treatment?

What Is Patient-Centric Treatment?

a patient asks a doctor "what is patient-centric treatment?"

What does “patient-centric” mean? In the simplest terms, patient-centric treatment refers to a healthcare approach that is focused on the needs and preferences of the individual patient. Also called patient-focused care, it is becoming a more common approach in behavioral health treatment settings. Many tools for clinical directors are designed with patient-centric care in mind. Any behavioral health practitioner can practice patient-centric care and experience its benefits for both providers and patients.

Sunwave Health offers data-driven patient engagement software specific to the behavioral health industry. For more information, contact our team online or call 561.576.6037.

What Is Patient-Centric Care?

What is patient-centric treatment? Patient-centered care is an approach where patients’ health needs, preferences, values, and desired outcomes guide decision-making. Healthcare providers become partners and advocates for their patients, considering their mental, emotional, and social needs alongside clinical and physical ones. Outcomes are evaluated based on their alignment with patients’ values. The goal of patient-centered care is to empower patients to actively participate in their treatment.

How to Center Patients in Your Approach to Care

Important aspects of practicing patient-centered treatment include the following:

  • Giving patients the education they need to make informed decisions about their health
  • Addressing the patient’s emotional needs, including fear and anxiety
  • Involving the patient’s family, friends, and loved ones in treatment planning if the patient chooses
  • Providing continuity and coordination in a patient’s care plan
  • Listening to and communicating with patients consistently

A patient-centered treatment program often requires integration between services to address various health needs. The treatment plan may include peer support, social work, and assistance with practical issues like housing and financial literacy—tailored to the individual’s needs.

Providing Administrative and Technical Support for Patients

Another aspect of patient-centered care involves making treatment centers more welcoming and easier for patients to navigate. This could mean:

  • Providing a simple way for patients to send messages to their doctors
  • Offering appointments during nontraditional hours, like evenings and weekends
  • Letting patients schedule appointments online

Patient-centered billing is a key aspect of patient-focused care. It clearly outlines what patients owe and offers a simple, convenient way to make payments. Many providers utilize patient portals for secure, private access to health data online. Patients can review test results, access clinical notes, and check care instructions from their healthcare appointments. Having this information readily available empowers patients to take ownership of their care.

Leading with Communication, Collaboration, and Empathy

Collaboration is essential in patient-centered care. Patients engage in the decision-making process with their providers, while doctors educate them to make informed choices about their health. Instead of merely following guidelines, patients become vital members of their treatment team, especially when consulting multiple providers.

Communication in patient-centered care is based on empathy and respect. Healthcare providers might ask patients which concerns they want to discuss, invite them to share more about their issues, inquire about challenges in treatment, or empathize with their worries.

Benefits of Patient-Centered Treatment

By employing a patient-centered treatment approach, healthcare providers can realize numerous advantages that enhance the quality of care and patient satisfaction, such as:

  • Improved patient satisfaction
  • Enhanced patient engagement
  • Increased efficiency
  • Stronger provider-patient relationships
  • Better health outcomes

Sunwave Health’s integrated platform for patient-centered care helps healthcare providers engage patients effectively while streamlining administrative tasks and promoting collaboration. Our telehealth tools allow you to send forms and payment requests to patients online in a format that’s convenient and easy for them to use. Progress reports help healthcare providers monitor the effectiveness of their treatment and partner with their patients. With our comprehensive solutions, healthcare professionals can focus on providing excellent care while empowering their patients to take an active role in their health journey.

Connect with Sunwave Health to Schedule a Demo of Our Behavioral Health Software

Our software platform covers the patient’s entire behavioral health journey and can help you transition into a patient-centered care model that will drive positive, healthy results. Contact our team online or call 561.576.6037 to learn more.