Can Treatment Facilities Curb Substance Abuse in This Dire Reimbursement Reality?

Can Treatment Facilities Curb Substance Abuse in This Dire Reimbursement Reality?

Reimbursement shortfalls mean that many SUD treatment and behavioral health facilities must do more than their non-behavioral provider counterparts and rethink traditional revenue cycle management processes to remain competitive and ensure that revenue challenges don’t distract from patient needs or outcomes. This article, published in Healthcare Business Today, provides actionable, proven steps to implementing an intelligent, automated revenue cycle management solution that helps protect revenue and free capital that can support better patient outcomes.

“While technology alone isn’t a silver bullet, addressing data and functionality shortcomings is one of the fastest paths toward higher margins, quicker and more accurate reimbursement, improved collections, and greater transparency into outcomes and care.” 

To read the full article, click here. (7 minute read)